Thursday, May 30, 2013

Five fun facts about me.

Hallo meine Lieben,

how are you doing? Hope you are all having a great week! Time for another Random Thursday! You can link up here.

And here's the topic.

Fun fact #1.

I always get totally confused about the way Americans write down a date.  When they say "5/6/3013"  then I have no idea if they mean May or June. It takes me forever to figure that out. In Germany you would say. 6.5.2013. I guess there are things I will never get used to.

Fun fact #2.

The fancy white shoes I got for my Holy Communion were so uncomfortable that after church I started to wear white sneakers with purple laces under my white dress.

Fun fact #3.

I sold my saxophone to buy a bass guitar...and later I discovered that I have no talent at all to play bass. I should have kept the saxophone. Well, at least David loves my bass guitar and he is an awesome bass player.

Fun fact #4.

I have a scar on my finger because I got stuck in a fence when I wanted to crawl through it in order to follow a bunny I wanted to pet. 

Fun Fact #5.

I still remember prices of things that I bought 10 years ago. But I can't remember any phone numbers. 

And now I am curious...what are some fun facts about you?
Have a lovely Thursday!


  1. I do the price thing too!!

    I can see how the dates would be confusing.

    1. So funny you do it too!
      And yeah, it really is confusing. I used it the other way round for my whole life!

  2. I totally get you on the dates! It gets me so confused - Day/ Month/ Year.

    Thanks so much for stopping by:)

    1. I am glad you understand! I always feel so stupid! :)

  3. funny, I'm also sometimes confused dates, I have make my blogs using months spell out just not to confuse myself

    I can't think of any fun fact about me at the moment, though I don't think there's anything I do that can be consider fun.

    hope you have a sweet day.

    1. I need to change this too! Great idea!
      I am sure there is lots of fun about you because you are so wonderful!
      Have a lovely day!

  4. These are so fun! I giggled when I read about you changing shoes. :-)

  5. Great facts!! Umm...I can't think of anything interesting about myself at the moment!

  6. Even though I'm American, the dates confuse me too, sometimes! When I started to learn Hawaiian in high school, we had to learn how to use dates in the European way and since then I cannot do it the American way at all. We Americans are so backward sometimes :P

    1. Hehe. :) I am glad I am not the only one who gets confused by the dates!

  7. I always love learning the differences between Germans and Americans.. or any other country for that matter..

    1. Glad you like it! I love to learn about differences between countries too!

  8. Totally understand the confusion about dates. When we traveled to Italy, the switch of the month and day always confused me!!!

    1. I am so glad I am not the only one who feels like that, Katie!

  9. Katrin, it took me a while to get used to the date thing as well. It does get confusing when I need to write it the German way and sometimes I forget - I actually end up writing out the month a lot of the time - that way it's pretty clear! Another thing that gets me - I'm so bad at American measurements, the metric system makes so much more sense to me. :)
    Wuensche dir ein schoenes Wochenende!!!

    1. Oh yeah, don't get me started about the measurements! I need my kg and g and liters and celsius etc. :)It confuses me so much!
      Hab ein tolles Wochenende!

  10. I still don't get when people write dates like that either. I always go month/date but you never know what other people do!
    I love your animal stories :)
    Thanks for being the best linker upper ever!

    1. For me day/month makes a lot more sense. So it is hard to get used to the other way!
      Thank you so much, sweetie!

  11. Same here, I always get confused about the dates, too.
    Oh, the other day I saw a photoshoot of a wedding and the bride was wearing sneakers with blue laces as her sth blue :) The dress was long enough so you wouldn't see she didn't wear high heels. I liked that. Why not wear comfy shoes on an important day like this?
    So cool that David gets to use your bass guitar now.
    And I know the prices after a long time, too - but phone numbers? So bad at keeping them in mind ;)
    Have a wonderful weekend, sweet Katrin.
    Ich drücke Dich.

    1. It is so confusing, isn't it?!
      Haha, so funny that the bride wore sneakers under her dress! And I agree, you should be comfortable on your wedding day. And nobody was able to see it!
      Haha, yeah, phone numbers are so mean!
      Have a wonderful Sunday, ich drück Dich!

  12. I could see how listing the date like that would get confusing. I think the rule here is always Month-Date-Year, at least I think thats what it is haha.

    Ha! Sucks that you found out youre not good at the bass but at least David's getting some use out of that bass. If it makes you feel any better, I'm not good at playing any instrument. Well, are the maracas an instrument? Not I can really "play" them, it's more like shaking them around violently.

    1. Yeah, I think that's the rule but in my opinion date-month-year makes a lot more sense!

      And thanks for making me feel better! I got really frustrated trying to learn bass but the thing is in much better hands when David plays on it!

  13. I'm not sure which is which, but I always feel like it should be day/month/year. Smallest to largest. That makes sense to me! Somehow I'm not at all surprised that you got a scar when chasing a furry friend! I have one or two animal-related scars myself! My dad plays the saxophone. I tried the piano for years, and now I only remember one song. I love music but have no talent for creating it. Kind of like art!

    1. Yeah, day/month/year makes a lot more sense in my opinion too!
      So cool that you have animal-related scars too! I am glad I am not the only one. But I agree, it is not very surprising that I have it!
      So cool that your Dad plays saxophone! I would love to play piano but I am pretty sure I don't have much talent! I love music a lot though!

  14. I get confused with the dates here lol. It's funny because the military also uses the German way to do the dates, but not everywhere on post follows that convention, and I've seen a different date order asked for in the same set of documents, so it gets very confusing trying to figure out which date is meant. A lot of people have started solving it by just writing out the name or abbreviation of the month so it's clear which is meant.

    It's cool that you bought a bass guitar, although unfortunate that you feel you have no talent for it. It's good your husband does though. I have wanted a bass for a long time but I am still working on learning to play my guitar that I bought years ago. I also thought I had no talent to play it until I picked up Rocksmith and made more progress in playing that way than I had in the different ways I'd tried to teach myself before. The new edition includes the program for bass also, so if you still have an interest to learn I would recommend trying it out.

    Fun facts about me...hmm. I'm not sure I can think of any that you don't already know from following my blog lol.

    1. You are so right, it would make things a lot easier if they would just write out the month! It is so confusing!

      It is awesome that you learn how to play guitar! I haven't completely gotten up on the bass. I would love to be able to play. I mean, David is so good at it and I am so bad, it is a little frustrating! I will have to check out Rocksmith! Thanks for the recommendation!

    2. Don't compare yourself to him. Just go at your own pace. You're welcome. I think it makes learning it fun. I want to get a bass someday. Unfortunately I got the original version so they charge like $30 to add the bass pack (which I think is ridiculous considering the new version sells for about the same price as the old one did...hopefully it'll go down by the time I get around to it).

    3. I would just like to be as talented as he is. :) Hope you can get a bass some day! It definitely is a lot of fun to play and I should give it another chance at some point. Hope your recommendation will help me! :)

    4. :) Thanks. I am sure I probably will some day. Hope so.

  15. Back in the days before cell phones I remembered everyones numbers, now I don't even know my own. Cell phones make us lazy ;)

  16. Hahaha! #2 is really funny :p.

    I still get confused when writing a date here :/.

    #4 is so you! ;)

    And I agree with #5. Same happens to me, hehe.

    1. It really is sooo confusing!

      And yeah, I guess #4 is really totally me! :)

      Glad you agree on #5!


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